Sunday, April 13, 2008

Talking, Clapping and Starting to Crawl!

Where should I start?! Last Wednesday I started saying da da! Now, that's pretty much all I say. I'm working really hard on saying ma ma and Mommy has assured Daddy I don't know what da da means and it definitely doesn't mean I like him more!

Yesterday Grandpa Brad came to visit and I started clapping my hands! I finally figured out that when I put my hands together, they make noise! I get really excited when I clap and try to put both hands in my mouth!

And tonight, I started to army crawl a little! I really like the TV remote and decided I would just go get it myself! I'm still struggling a little and get kind of upset when Mommy and Daddy put things out of reach to force me to crawl. I think it's a very mean trick!

School has been really good...I'm learning all sorts of new things!

1 comment:


Hey there!!! I am ready to see some more updates. Sorry I didn't make it to Dallas to see you all. Just too crazy busy this summer. I am in Tokyo now. Made some update on my blog. Talk soon.